Let’s say that you have been planning for a lifetime, “tick the item off” the bucket list trip for months. You have budgeted, got the best deals, booked the ticket and now your bag is packed.
So, are you ready to get on that plane and make a lifelong memory? With your friends, or significant other, or even by yourself?
Or are you scared that this trip might not work out how you thought it would? Maybe you will miss that flight? You could run out of money to spend or experience the travel blues? Sometimes you could feel that are simply going to places one after the other and return home?
However, is this fear stopping you? Is this causing a kick in the stomach financially?

So how can you make sure that you have the best and most memorable travel experiences? Do not fret.
In today’s blog, we are going to look at some of the tricks you could do to stay on track while enjoying and making memories.
Nomad Buddy's Travel Manifesto
1. Be Open Minded
Always be open to new cultures and different ways of enjoying your life. It could be in trying out new experiences and getting out of your comfort zone.
But, if you find something new that is confusing or you don’t agree with, try to learn about it and view it as a new thing you learned rather than being judgmental about it.

2. Stretch Your Boundaries
Remember to try something new every day and experience new things. You can bungee jump and experience the feeling of adrenaline. Or it could be simply relaxing and giving your body a break by watching the stars.
Nevertheless, do not hesitate to go beyond your horizons and do something that scares you. This will bring out your happiest version.

3. Interact And Engage
Meeting people on your travels is the best opportunity to interact, learn, and grow as an individual. You can learn so much by talking and listening with people.

Make sure that you spend time with the locals and do the small things in a day-to-day process. Ask questions that will boggle your mind and listen attentively to what they say. Focus on learning as much as you can by engaging with people around you.
4. Travel With Awe And Gratitude
If you are traveling the world or your country, you are privileged. Not everyone is able to travel. So be grateful and enjoy every moment of your experience.
Wander the gravel road with the awe and wonder of a child. It can be something where you see a shooting star, or it could be you having a warm cup of hot chocolate amidst the snow. Moreover, take time to be in the present and indulge yourself in how the world is wonderful.

5. Memories Over Possessions
Materialistic possessions come and go. But the memories you are making are never going to be forgotten.
Dancing in the rain, looking at sunrise early in the morning, or watching the nightlife from the tallest adventure ride, or taking a train ride amidst nature is what is going to be remembered. Yes indeed, that feeling cannot be received from anywhere and it is going to stay in your heart forever.
As a digital nomad, you will be traveling to different parts of the world. You will get to experience new things every day.
Therefore, embrace these changes and live in the moment. Doing something routine is boring. Get excited to experience the diverse cultures, food, and new people.
But do not forget to take it slow. Try to set a deep footprint wherever you are traveling. Similarly, give back to the community and local businesses. Volunteer, help a stranger, buy local products, and most importantly share your memories with people you meet.

Cause I have decided that if you are not occasionally lost, you are probably not exploring enough!
So if you do want to take the first step and experience the world, do not forget to get in touch with us at NomadBuddy.